Post-COVID-19 Trade Show Design Ideas

In a post COVID-19 pandemic world when face masks are no longer mandatory, people will still want to feel safe attending face to face gatherings that promote social distancing. For trade shows, most attending will want to know everyone on the show floor will get their temperature checked, which is super easy to implement.

Another suggestion is rapid test saliva swabs for all attendees and exhibitors the night before. This is more extreme but also possible as most people traveling for a 3 day show arrive the day before anyway.

Even with these measures in place it’s natural to expect that people will still prefer to keep social distance between themselves and others, just in case a few infected people get past the system.

Unexpected positive result

Fortunately these new trade show exhibition marketing strategies may also result in an unexpected fresh looking and inviting booth design that is also a safer trade show design idea. For good or bad, exhibit design have historically evolved to pack more into the space provided. More trade show display counters, more meeting tables and more storage space for more booth staff to stash their belongings. The result are uninviting trade show booth designs that require aggressive staff to pull attendees from the aisles.

Retail stores don’t do this? When you enter many retail stores the sales counters are set back towards the middle so that the entrances remain open and inviting. Shoppers want to step in, look around and decide where to go – simple right?

With a need for safer distance at trade shows event marketers willing to provide attendees a safer booth space may fair better than ones that change nothing post Covid-19. Trade show marketing in an open inviting space that allow for a margin for safely is key. Uncluttered exhibition booth designs with open spaces and set back reception counters will let attendees step off the aisle to understand your message and layout before engaging booth staff. It could be that furniture should be minimized.

Today with large format graphics, large TV’s and LED video walls its far easier to fully deliver your eye catching primary messages from the aisle as attendees approach. This allows your exhibition booth to focus on the main take away you want to achieve.

If you sell software then focus on the demo station that allows safe distance. If you show and sell new product, consider pedestals that allow safe distance with hand sanitizers nearby. For many attendees interested in your products and services simply want to meet key people to make a connection. These are simply booth ideas that can’t be done as effectively in a zoom meeting.

Regarding literature, why bring it? It’s far better to make a digital connection with attendees using QR codes. They simply take a photo of the QR image and instantly get routed to any web page you’ve prepared. You’re booth could have multiple QR codes, one to schedule a zoom demo in the days following your show.

Stir things up!

So, post Covid-19, we have the opportunity to stir things up in a more effective fresh sort of way.

In this effort, we’ve developed a number of post Covid-19 Trade Show display Ideas to get you thinking about the double benefits of safer more approachable open booth designs. These are custom exhibits tailored to your needs.

As always, when your ready to brainstorm just shoot us an email or give us a call. We’re ready to help! If you want to see safer designs as they are developed then you need only follow us on social media.

Quick two minute video.